D.S.V.V. "Punch"


Brabantse Turfmarkt 9
2611 CK Delft

You're always welcome for questions and/or coffee.


Phone number: 06-24467580



Match location

Sport & Cultuur TU Delft
Mekelweg 8-10
2628 CD Delft


Postaddress: Brabantse Turfmarkt 9
2611 CK Delft


Board bestuur@punch.tudelft.nl
Chairman voorzitter@punch.tudelft.nl
Secretary secretaris@punch.tudelft.nl
Treasurer penningmeester@punch.tudelft.nl
Competition secretary wedstrijdsecretaris@punch.tudelft.nl
Bar commisioner pandcommissaris@punch.tudelft.nl
Beach beach@punch.tudelft.nl


Acquisition committee: acquisitie@punch.tudelft.nl

Commission of Appeal

For complaints, disputes and other complaints you can always contact the Board. In case this doesn't solve your problem you can contact the commisson of Appeal.

E-mailadres: kvb@punch.tudelft.nl

Address change

To keep our administration up to date and to prevent mail being sent to the wrong address it is necessary that you send your new address to the secretary as soon as possible. For the addres look above.


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